Advice and frequently asked questions
What are your opening times?
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm in both practices. We are closed on Sundays.
How often should I have my eyes examined?
Eye examinations are recommended every 2 years, unless your Optometrist or Medical practitioner requests otherwise. Please contact us if you have any changes to your vision, we may be able to see you sooner if needed.
Do I need to bring my old glasses/prescription?
Although it is not completely necessary, it is very helpful to our Optometrists if you bring your most up to date glasses or sight test prescription to your appointment.
How long will my eye examination take?
Most appointments are around 30 minutes. This will vary depending on the patient being examined.
I'm worried about a problem with my eyes, can you help?
Please contact the practice as soon as possible if you believe you have developed a new urgent problem with your eyes.